26 November saw Esprit’s Artistic girls compete in the final round of the West Country League against many of the regions best clubs!

In the ‘B’ League, Eloise Johnson, Emily Broadfield, Jayne Hughes, Tess Armstrong, Katie Francis & Annie Lloyd all competed well earning themselves 3rd on the day.

This was enough to secure first overall in the league and West Country ‘B’ League Champions for the second year!!!

In the ‘A” League, Sally Armstrong, Lily Young, Phoebe Young, Elise Haines, Neve Porton, Libby Tremblin, Carwen Byron & Ashleigh Olley finished overall first on bars and third on vault. 

This earned them a respectable 4th place on the day and overall through out the three matches.

Neve competed a handspring tuck front, free cartwheel and flick on beam. Carwen, a round off flick, tuck back, flick on beam. Sally, a round off flick, tuck back.

Phoebe, Elise and Ashleigh all competed a forwards walkover on beam, whilst Libby, performed her upstart on bars. 

All skills performed in competition for the first time - well done everyone!


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