Happy new year everyone!

2014 was a great year for Esprit, with one of the highlights being 2 of our gymnasts and one coach representing us at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow!

Esprit gymnast Laura Halford won a total of 3 medals, 2 bronze and a Silver, at the games, whilst Stephani Sherlock qualified for several finals and helped team England to an excellent 4th team place.

Esprit coach, Deb Hows was instrumental in both girls success and was also England's Rhythmic Team Coach at the Games.

As a result all three have been nominated in the Swindon Adver Sports Awards and need YOUR vote to help them win the awards they truly deserve.

So please cast your vote, ask all your friends and family to do the same and show Swindon just what a great club Esprit is! Thank you.

Phone the number(s) below to show your support:

Coach of the Year
Deb Hows - Tel: 09013600908

Sportswoman of the Year
Laura Halford - Tel: 09013600889
Stephani Sherlock - Tel: 09013600890

Performance of the Year
Laura Halford - Tel: 09013600913

Sports Personality of the Year
Laura Halford - Tel: 09013600916

You can vote more than once and in all categories. Voting closes 19 January 2015. See the Swindon Adver for more details.


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