National Grades & Group League

Fab weekend for Esprit Rhythmic in Walsall.

Esprit rhythmic squad travelled to Walsall to compete in National Grades finals recently and the National Group League – to enter this competition all gymnasts had to qualify from competitions earlier in the year.

National Grades Final
Well done to Lily Moore, Miriam Rodrigues, Jess Steele and congratulations to Lily and Miriam for being placed in the top 6 for their grades. Also, to Lily for 5th place in Free and Miriam for 4th in Ball, Bronze in Clubs and an overall Bronze.

National group League

Our Junior group consisting of Erin Robinson. Isis Tribolet, Miriam Rodrigues, Lily Gage, Madison Kennelly placed 2nd, whilst the Espoir Group of Joanna Rowska, Isabelle Everett, Hannah Dagg, and Shanniah  Stevens were 5th.
Well done to both Groups.

A special mention must go to Miriam who competed in both Individual and group and also to Joanna and Isabelle for competing in their very first competition ever!

Deb and Cherie


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