Scottish GymFest 2013

The Esprit Display team visited this years Scottish GymFest. Here's a little look at their fab routine and a short report from the head of the display team, Cherie...

We set out on Friday 3rd May to attend our 7th Gymfest, we have been regularly attending since 2007 but back then the team was a lot smaller.  
This year 31 of our gymnasts performed over two days in front of thousands of people. 
The collapsing tower went down a treat, a member of the audience commented after gasping "Well that's one way of getting down".  
The comments from members of the audience were amazing.  
All the gymnasts had a great time in the evenings being with all their team members, and parents seemed to be having a good time too. 
We returned home on Sunday after our 10.30am performance where the girls performed brilliantly!
It is now time to start another set of choreography as there is a busy couple of years coming up!
Scotland May 2014, Helsingborg Sweden Eurogym 2014
 and we may even go back to the Liverpool Ministrada 2014.  

We are also hoping to take a group to the World Gymnaestrada in Finland 2015.

Finally, there will be auditions on Saturday 8th June 2013 for a new intake to the Display team.

Get your name down fast as places are limited.


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