The moves nearly here!!!!

Following the display on Sunday 14 Dec, we will start the massive task of clearing out of lovely warehouse here at the io centre and then trying to make it look like we were never there!

First up we have to break down all the equipment, which we will do Monday 14 Dec. starting at about 8:30am. Then from Tuesday until the weekend we will be creating a mess, smashing down walls, taking the pit apart etc etc. So if anyone can spend a few hours over the next 2 weeks, helping with the demolition work, please feel free to come along, we will be in attendance all day (and evening) every day.

I'll be posting updates on here most days, letting you know what's going on and what we need to do next, so please stay tuned.

We get access to our new home on the 19th, so we will start moving equipment then, anyone who has a lorry or van is welcome to attend and help move the stuff.


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