Ellie wins at the Grades

Esprit has a knack of spotting youngsters with the ability to make the grade and it looks like Deb’s done it again, in the shape of Ellie Morse.

Ellie (10, nearly 11, happy bday Ellie) qualified recently for the National Grades finals held at the University of Bath and competed in the Grade 6 category for her age group.

An accomplished performance in all her apparatus ensured she won the overall Gold medal with a fabulous score of 30.741, ensuring she was also one of only a very small handful of gymnasts to average over 15 on each piece of apparatus.

As a result of her consistency Ellie’s trip to the podium to collect her Championship winning medal, wasn’t her only one, she was called up twice more, to the delight of her enthusiastic supporters, to receive both Apparatus Gold’s, one for Rope 15.233, the other for Ball 15.508.

Well done Ellie – National Grades Champion!!!!!!


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