Rhythmic review

It's been a busy year for the Rhythmic girls, so busy in fact there has been little time to let everyone know what's been going on. That's why we thought we would review the the first half of the year, for the competition squads.

January - was trials for the Great Britain Squad and yet again Esprit featured high in the selections. Gabriela Caruso was selected for the World Class Start squad, Gemma Rand made the Junior squad, with Laura Halford retaining her place and moving up to Junior along side her. Jade Faulkner moved up from Junior to take her place as a senior.

Laura then went on to retain her place in the Welsh National squad as well as the British.

Straight after selection Jade heard the news she had been selected to represent Great Britain at the Australian Youth Olympics. Jade qualified for the all round finals on day 2, achieved a team Bronze for GB and 10th in the individuals. A brilliant performance, well done Jade.

Next up was Head coach Deb Hows, who qualified as an International Judge and is now what they call a 'Brevet', meaning she can judge at International competitions like the Olympics!

In March, Laura Halford flew to New York to compete for Wales and again turned in some stunning results. 4th in Rope, 2nd in Hoop & Ball, 3rd in Clubs and a very impressive
3rd overall.

April saw Jade off on her travels again, this time she was selected as part of the GB team competing at the Portamao World Cup in Portugal. She was joined by Gemma Rand and Hannah Curtis, who were selected to compete as part of the Junior Ribbon Group.

In May, Jade was selected to represent GB at the World Cup (Category 'A') in Corbiel France and she followed this up with selection to Great Britain's senior team and flew to Baku in Azerbaijan for the Senior European Championships.

Back home Laura Halford, Hannah Curtis, Gabriela Caruso and Maya Lucas, all qualified for the British Championships, along with Jade and Gemma, who had already qualified.

Tayshan Dowe, April Coombs & Ellie Morse all qualified for the Grades Finals.

June was the Welsh Novice competition and Esprit had lots of entries and many successes.

Under 10 Hoop saw Cassy Harding come out on top in first place with Jess Steele 2nd and Katy Coleman 4th. Cassy Harding won Silver in Under 10 Free and Elizabeth Walecki Gold in the under 12 section. Lauren Hoard was 4th in Under 12 Ball.

Clarice Saloyedoff and Ellouise Read led the Juniors with Clarice 4th in Hoop and Ellouise 2nd in Clubs.

Seniors Ellise Gilbert and Rowan Gregg finished the impressive results with Ellise gaining 2 Golds to Rowans 2 Silvers in Rope & Ribbon.

In the Welsh Intermediate section Ellie Morse returned home with yet more medals, a Silver for her Rope and Bronze for Ball. A great competition and impressive displays from all those who took part.

June saw Laura Halford and Gemma Rand representing Esprit at an International in Poland. The girls performed exceptionally, in a very high level field, with Laura's 4th and Gemma's 17th showing their potential.

Well that's it, so far, the British Championships are this weekend 27 & 28 June, so good luck to the girls taking part, you are sure to give a great account of yourselves, everyone is very proud of you.


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